Friday, September 28, 2012

Funniest Computer Ever Competition Deadline Extended

Well, so at least I'm back to blogging :-) I've been meaning to blog about the Funniest Computer Ever Competition for some time now, but I kept getting distracted with emails and other social networking sites.  The basic concept is this; let's have an annual computer comedy competition with prizes awarded to the computers and/or robots that produce the most humorous output.

The specific objective is to get to the point where the winner of the 2020 contest can out-perform a professional human standup comic in front of a live human audience.  Many will see clear parallels with the RoboCup competition (robot team beats world soccer champions by 2050) and the Loebner Prize (have a program fool humans into making them think you are a human) to name a few.  There are other great inspirations such as chatbotbattles and the entire of creation really.

Anyhow, I'm chatting about this on the indiegogo website where we managed to crowd raise prize money for the first year of the competition, and in the weekly London Online Course meetup, and in the facebook page etc.  To get to the point I'll try to avoid mentioning every connection strand here, but suffice it to say that the official rules are here:

and the deadline for entries is being extended to November 1st, mainly to give us time to make the website look that little bit more professional.  We've had several entries already, but also requests for extensions, so it seems like the sensible thing to do.

The current web site is shown at the top right above.  It's a great placeholder, but I think it could be much much better.  I had thought that a Google Sites template would be a good way to start, but I haven't really had the time to make it look more professional, and while I wanted a sort of collaborative feel to it - the Google template announcements are not as usable/useful as I had hoped, and the Google Site login requirements don't seem to let people get involved as easily as they might on facebook or even on github.

Anyways, some kind students from Hawaii Pacific University have taken pity on me and are helping me to try and make it look a bit more engaging.  Oh yes, and before I forget, I should mention I really hope we can get a load more open source computational humor projects out of this ... more soon ...

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