The full course materials will be online so you can take the course from anywhere in the world, and even if you are not enrolled full time in HPU, you can sign up for single courses by going to the following link:
Here's the official course blurb:
CSCI 3632, Internet Programming: Fall 2010
Discover how webservices are changing the programming game. Stop rewriting the same tired code and outsource the heavy lifting to Google, Amazon, Yahoo and others. This course will focus on RESTful webservices, as promoted by the open source community. We'll look at how multiple clients, such as browser-embedded javascript and 3D World Second Life embedded Linden Scripting Language, can access RESTful web services to quickly create useful mashups from the Google Maps & Document APIs, Facebook/Twitter APIs. By the end of this course you'll be fully versed in how to make your own webservices using Ruby on Rails, and how to script light-weight components that leverage them in online 2D and 3D clients.
Taught online by Samuel Joseph, Ph.D.
RESTful Web Services: Web services for the real world by Leonard Richardson & Sam Ruby. O'Reilly Media. http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596529260
Scripting Your World: The Official Guide to Second Life Scripting (Paperback) by Dana Moore et al. Sybex. http://syw.fabulo.us/
JavaScript: The Good Parts Unearthing the Excellence in JavaScript, by Douglas Crockford. http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596517748